Oracle to MySQL conversion and synchronization.

Our DBConvert and DBSync migration software provides both smooth and quick data migration and replication from Oracle to MySQL even when you have little or no SQL knowledge. Our tests show it takes 3-4 minutes to convert 1 million records from Oracle to MySQL. Larger volumes of data can also be processed using DBConvert's migration tools. For example, you can transfer 10 million records in just 35 minutes.

Migrate Oracle database to MySQL Dump when it’s necessary to get over server restrictions. Unicode support, Indexes and Primary keys conversion are among the other features.

Both MySQL and Oracle have their own feature sets aimed for different target audiences. It is difficult to directly compare them, as they are products in two different categories.

Oracle is intended primarily for big enterprise business applications. It offers a slew of features and functionality. Oracle is suited for doing very complex jobs in large environments.

MySQL is used commonly for web, small and medium data warehouses, and the gaming industry. It surpasses Oracle when high-speed reads are required. Many startup companies use MySQL, as it is both simple and lower cost. MySQL has fewer as Oracle but often many of Oracle's features are found to be excessive for small and medium projects.

If you need to move or sync the whole database from Oracle to MySQL in a heterogeneous environment, let our software to be your assistant. Partial Oracle DB datasets may also be transferred or replicated to MySQL according to your needs.

By default DBConvert automatically maps data types between Oracle and MySQL or you choose to adjust many of them manually.

Trigger-based database synchronizations and three sync types are available in our DBSync for Oracle and MySQL application. Synchronization features helps to keep your databases fresh and up-to-date. Moreover, the DBSync tool gives you notice about possible synchronization errors in advance before starting the actual replication.

Our built-in Scheduler and powerful command line mode help to launch your conversion and sync jobs automatically using predefined parameters.

Supported databases:
  • Oracle On-Premises
  • Oracle Cloud
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • SingleStore DB (formerly MemSQL)
  • TiDB
  • Percona Server for MySQL
  • Vitess
  • Amazon RDS for MySQL
  • Amazon Aurora (MySQL Compatible)
  • Google Cloud
  • Azure Database for MySQL
  • MySQL Dump
  • PHP Script
 DBConvert for Oracle & MySQL

Version: 2.2.8

Release Date: May 3, 2024

 DBSync for Oracle & MySQL

Version: 1.7.9

Release Date: May 28, 2024

Try All-in-one DB migration and Sync software.

DBConvert Studio

 Version: 4.1.3

Release Date: Sept. 19, 2024

Supported databases:

  • SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • Percona
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • Access
  • FoxPro
  • SQLite
  • Interbase
  • Firebird
  • IBM DB2
  • MS Azure SQL
  • Amazon RDS
  • Amazon Aurora
  • Heroku Postgres
  • Google Cloud

Using Oracle to MySQL conversion and synchronization tools.

When launching the DBConvert or DBSync application in GUI mode, it seamlessly guides you through the steps to initiate database migration or synchronization:

1. Connect to Oracle source database.

Specify the username/password and host/port parameters if your source database requires login credentials.

Connect to Oracle source database from DBConvert

2. Connect to MySQL destination database.

Specify parameters for the destination database similar to the source, defining connection settings and username/password pairs.

Connect to MySQL target database from DBConvert

NOTE #1: Each DBConvert or DBSync tool's name comprises two different databases, enabling any specified database to operate as the source or destination. Furthermore, the same type of database can function as both the source and destination.

NOTE #2: Connections to cloud databases (e.g., Amazon RDS, Google Cloud, or Azure SQL) aren't explicitly specified in the user interface but use the same settings as traditional on-premises databases.

NOTE #3: Connections to source and target databases remain active until you close the DBConvert/DBSync application or reopen new connections.

Refer to our documentation for specific source/ destination configurations for different databases.

3. Configure database migration options.

Specify the tables, fields, indices, and views you want to transfer to the MySQL destination database by checking/unchecking the corresponding boxes.

Customize general database/ tables settings. Or configure specific table , field, index object individually when migrating data.

Explore our articles in the user's manual about Configuring database migration options. for detailed information.

The screenshot below summarizes the general features available in DBConvert software.

4. Detection of potential database migration issues. Errors and Warnings

The database enforces certain relations on the data, and on the customization step, an intelligent error checker verifies all possible data integrity and referential integrity issues. It highlights any problems before migration starts.

By default, DBConvert attempts to automatically map the database types of the source Oracle database to the closest equivalent of the target MySQL database types. However, you can manually change the data types for the entire database globally using the "Global mapping" or individually for each field.

Explore the Intelligent error checker for more information. on errors and warnings

5. Execution. The final stage of data migration.

Initiate the conversion or synchronization process after configuring source and destination databases in the previous steps.

Click the "Commit" button to start conversion. Here, you can also monitor the migration/synchronization process.

Optionally save connection settings and configuration parameters into the session file to schedule the launching of sync or migration jobs regularly.

Execution step of DBConvert products

Explore more about the options available during the execution stage

Command line mode

Pass previously saved sessions as parameters to the Command-Line DBConvert Client. A session retains Oracle source and MySQL target database connection settings with other specified options.


C:\Program Files\DBConvert\oracle2mysqlPro\oracle2mysqlPro_Cons.exe /Session:"Session_Name"

NOTE: First, run the software in GUI mode to create a session file with initial parameters.

Built-in scheduler.

Our applications include a built-in scheduler to run database migration and sync jobs at specified times. Set the scheduled date and time to execute job sessions automatically.

Find more Information about the built-in scheduler

DBConvert screenshot

Supported OS:


  • Necessary privileges to write into database on the target MySQL server (this requirement is optional as there is an option to overcome the restrictions using dump file or PHP Script)
  • Necessary privileges to write into database on the target Oracle server (this requirement is optional as there is an option to overcome the restrictions using dump file)
  • Oracle 12.x versions require Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) to be installed.

Related Links


Explore details regarding reverse migration.